1951 : All Of The World’s Glaciers Melting – Some Have Disappeared

Don’t scoff when you hear an old timer say: “Summers are hot- ter than they used to be.” This remark could once have been classed with “Stairs are steeper than they used to be,” and “Young people are wilder than when I was a boy.”

But today an impressive number of scientists, both old and young, are convinced that the oldtimers are right.

ScreenHunter_489 Dec. 09 13.03


07 Oct 1951 – Glaciers, Icebergs melt as world gets warmer By …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to 1951 : All Of The World’s Glaciers Melting – Some Have Disappeared

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Many authorities have told us that this a period of unprecendent global warming and glacier melt that started well after 1951. So, how can this be?

  2. The current warming trend started at the end of the 19th Century even as it has intensified into the 21rst. Anyone who knows anything about climate should be able to figure this out. And climate change deniers, once again, keep scrambling for a few out of context cherries.

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