1982 : Global Warming To Bring Lions And Elephants To England, And Drown Major Cities

Dr. Hansen said the probability was that a warmer climate would make some places wetter while others were likely to be drier than today, but that it was too early to say which effects any given region would experience. Several specialists have noted that a pronounced warming trend could raise sea levels sufficiently to inundate many of the world’s major cities. There has already been a small rise in sea level simply because of expansion of the warmer surface waters of the ocean, Dr. Hansen said.

Hermann Flohn of University of Bonn said warming effects on the climate would be small at first, but, through the next century, might give the planet its warmest spell since an interglacial period 125,000 years ago. In that period, he noted, lions, elephants and other warm-climate animals roamed what is now England.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1982 : Global Warming To Bring Lions And Elephants To England, And Drown Major Cities

  1. mwhite says:

    ” In that period, he noted, lions, elephants and other warm-climate animals roamed what is now England.”

    Interestingly they didn’t swim across the English Channel, Sea level was lower despite temperatures being higher.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    That was the heyday of AGW hype. Dr. Jimmie had the field all to himself, and he was running around like Johnny Football.

  3. Johnbuk says:

    I’ve just seen next door’s cat (Leo) pee on the lawn, does that count?

  4. Tel says:

    If you take a peak at the British coat of arms you might notice a lion. Historically Lions were common in Europe but were wiped out by humans, not by climate. The lion remained a symbol of strength and bravery (e.g. Richard the Lionheart).

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