1988 : Environment Canada Scientists Predicted 3 Feet Of Sea Level Rise, And 8 Degrees Warming By 2050

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The Deseret News – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 1988 : Environment Canada Scientists Predicted 3 Feet Of Sea Level Rise, And 8 Degrees Warming By 2050

  1. David says:

    Hmm I will guess with the AMO turning cold along with the PDO and a Grand Solar Minimum they ain’t gonna get that.

  2. Bob Knows says:

    1. That was no scientist. That was a leftist political advocate.
    2. Canada will be lucky if half the country isn’t already under several feet of ice by 2050.

  3. Mike D says:

    I’m buying slightly inland real estate in the Arctic so that in 2050 I’ll have tropical beach front property.

  4. Anthony S says:

    Only 2 feet 11″ and 7.8 degrees to go.

  5. Phil Jones says:

    Time for a follow up question …

  6. Papy Boomer, Chelsea, QC says:

    No Wonder Harper wants to have a close look at what those scientists are saying in public.

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