Daily Archives: December 20, 2013

When Obama Returns From His Vacation …..

When Obama gets back from his next taxpayer funded tropical boondoggle, there will be fewer Americans with health insurance than 12 months ago.

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A Simple Graphic For Climate Geniuses

There is zero correlation between East Coast sea level and reported global temperatures. Sea level rise on the East Coast is due to subsidence. www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/rlr.annual.data/12.rlrdata www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/CRUTEM4-gl.dat

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Obama’s Present To America – Releasing Crack Dealers


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1945 : The Year When Guam Tipped Over


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Reggie’s Blowtorch Finally Located

‘ 01 Jun 1928 – TO MELT POLAR ICE Flame=Thrower Project WILKINS’…

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Getting Nervous In New Jersey

The hockey team suckered the NFL into scheduling the Superbowl in a place that has been getting near record snow this year. I hear that there are snow contingency plans being made.

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Understanding The Press Corpse

It is OK for Obama to call Republicans terrorists, arsonists, extortionists, traitors, flat earthers and a death cult. But say one disparaging thing about gays, and your career is over.

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If You Like Your Crack, You Can Keep Your Crack

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First Round Knockout At Madison Square Gardens

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @ClimateOpp @tan123 @USATODAY … Change in Manhattan sea level shows essentially no correlation with change in global temperature, but correlates almost perfectly with time (i.e. linear glacial rebound.) www.psmsl.org/data/obtaining/rlr.annual.data/12.rlrdata www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/CRUTEM4-gl.dat

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2013 Will Finish One Of The Ten Coldest Years In US History, With The Largest Drop In Temperature

Before NASA and NOAA start tampering with the data, 2013 is one of the ten coldest years  in the US since 1895, and has had the largest year over year decline on record. NOAA of course won’t talk about this, … Continue reading

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