Daily Archives: December 26, 2013

Guardian Global Warming Journalists Trapped In Non-Existent Melted Antarctic Sea Ice

Antarctic expedition stranded as ship gets stuck in ice | World news | theguardian.com h/t to John B. M.D.

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Top Scientists : Either Shrinking Or Expanding Antarctic Sea Ice Is A Sign Of Global Warming Catastrophe

In 1981, George Kukla of Columbia University warned of a new ice age. Daytona Beach Morning Journal – Google News Archive Search One year later he said shrinking Antarctic sea ice was a signal that we were all going to … Continue reading

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1925 : Radical Permanent Climate Change Made Alaska Warm And Green On Christmas Day

Expect Alaska’s Climate to Stay Warmer As Result of Continued Volcanic Eruptions – View Article – NYTimes.com

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How Does The US Regain Its Self-Respect?

I was at the gym a few nights ago watching Fox News trying to figure out how Obama can rehabilitate himself. If the country had any self-respect left, Fox News would be focused on the fastest route to get Obama … Continue reading

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85% Of Active NOAA Tide Gauges Report Below The Claimed 3.2 mm/year

http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/MSL_global_trendtable.html … Eighty-five percent NOAA’s currently active tide gauges report less than 3.2 mm/year, and most of the ones which are above 3.2 mm/year are in active tectonic zones – making their numbers meaningless. The official 3.2 mm/year is complete nonsense, … Continue reading

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