Daily Archives: December 27, 2013

Antarctic Sea Ice Area Increasing 3,800 Manhattans Per Decade


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Illiterate Communist News Network Describes Insurance Cancellations

The 13-point swing over the past two months follows a political uproar over Obamacare, which included the botched rollout of HealthCare.gov and controversy over the possiblity of insurance policy cancelations due primarily to the new health law. CNN Poll: GOP … Continue reading

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GISS Has Increased The 1880-1996 Southern Hemisphere Temperature Trend By 52% Since 1997

In 1997, GISS showed the 1880-1996 Southern Hemisphere land temperature trend at .43ºC/century. Now it is 0.65ºC/century. That is an increase of 52% in the same data set since 1997. Archived 1997 version : http://www.giss.nasa.gov/Data/GISTEMP/ZonAnn.Ts.txt 2013 version : http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v3/ZonAnn.Ts.txt

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2004 : Gavin Said That Antarctica Had Cooled Significantly In Recent Decades

Shindell and Schmidt 2004 While most of the Earth warmed rapidly during recent decades, surface temperatures decreased significantly over most of Antarctica. Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Shindell and Schmidt 2004

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