97% Of Climate Alarmists Don’t Know Anything About Climate

ScreenHunter_243 Dec. 16 05.12

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @tqmurdock 97% of climate models …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to 97% Of Climate Alarmists Don’t Know Anything About Climate

  1. Dave N says:

    Murdock needs new glasses; walked right into that one.

  2. 97% of climate models are tweaked video games

  3. gator69 says:

    Did someone say there is a problem with the models?


  4. Kepler says:

    There’s a technical term than describes what is going on with the climate models: “Garbage in, garbage out”. The models are sorely incomplete, and they are being fed data that has been tampered with as Steven has proven over and over again. Time, which will eventually tell, is the biggest enemy for those that worship the climate model Golden Calf.

  5. Bill Pounder says:

    “They have a lot of fun at the BOM playing with General Circulation Models.”

  6. Ernest Bush says:

    I once thought GCM stood for Global Climate Model. Obviously it stands for Global Climate Myth.

  7. diogenes100 says:

    Have you seen what a very prominent climate “expert” has been up to?
    This example shows how well run the EPA is – and how carefully developed their positions are!

  8. Eric Simpson says:

    I would add that my preferred graphic (more dramatic, impactful) illustrating the model failure is that given here: http://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/06/still-epic-fail-73-climate-models-vs-measurements-running-5-year-means/

  9. Marian says:

    We change had a new Climate Change BS report released by the NZ Govt.

    Claiming 3-4C warming by 2100 and frost would be a thing of the past for much of the North Island.

    Same old BS Climate modelling claims and the usual junk science astrological/witchcraft predictions. 🙂

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