A Blessing For The People Of Russia

ScreenHunter_338 Dec. 18 04.45

Obama decided that he can make another speech about himself from a warmer vacation spot.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to A Blessing For The People Of Russia

  1. Robertv says:

    Maybe planning a false flag.

  2. Edmonton Al says:

    They are afraid of getting shot…………..

  3. philjourdan says:

    The Russian gold courses are not up to par.

  4. gator69 says:

    I guess they are afraid of being Snowden. 😉

  5. Don says:

    Making sure he is sending two openly homosexuals to the games in Russia is the big story.

  6. phodges says:

    Robertv, my first thought exactly.

    The Russians have sent a very clear and strong message however, should something happen.

    It won’t be pretty.

  7. Bob Knows says:

    CBS was having a field day promoting fagot agendas this morning with this as its lead story. I would be surprised if the Russians would give O’Dumbo a visa. Usually they have a lot more good sense.

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