A Simple Graphic For Climate Geniuses

There is zero correlation between East Coast sea level and reported global temperatures. Sea level rise on the East Coast is due to subsidence.

ScreenHunter_454 Dec. 20 07.46


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to A Simple Graphic For Climate Geniuses

  1. Andy DC says:

    You need to publish that 1 + 1=2 in a scientific journal!

  2. gator69 says:

    Maybe Manhattan is tipping. Did you check gauges on the other side of the island? 😉

  3. Rosco says:

    I’d suggest a slight modification to the sentence – “Sea level rise on the East Coast is due to subsidence.”

    I’d write “Fools Sea level rise on the East Coast is due to subsidence.”

    I’m not sure they’d make the link to “fools gold ” though.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    “Climate Geniuses”!
    Nice oxymoron. ;D

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