I was listening to a discussion of Obamacare on Colorado Public Radio, and they said that young, healthy people on a tight budget are not going to choose to spend their tiny bit of disposable income buying expensive health insurance.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Indeed !
…. and I also see today that about 90% of signups are for Medicaid. So, rates will skyrocket. AND insurers are FORBIDDEN from selling something else. So nearly everyone will opt out, and all will be getting care paid by the Fed. The pool will collapse, and no insurer will even offer the terms of Obuttwipecare. Precisely what the Dem scum intended: To destroy private insurance. But they’re going to have to steal every election, because if people are ticked off now, imagine how they’ll be when they can’t get insurance at all.
If the get insurance, it does not mean they will get doctors.
It may have been the same program where they said previously that young people on tight budget wouldn’t join the Walmart Neighborhood Market boycott organized by the Boulder Soviet of People’s Deputies.
Hey kids, pay $95 in April of 2015 when you file your tax return, or $200/month for all of 2014. What do you say kids? Which is the better deal?
May be going o/t here, but please understand that $95 is the minimum; or up to 1% of family income, whichever is greater. 2015 it goes up to $325 or 2%, and 2016 it goes up to $625 or 2.5%. The $95 figure was promoted heavily by a certain political party and the MSM, as they knew the upper number wouldn’t sell in Peoria. Also, be careful with your tax withholding. Your tax refund is the only vehicle the IRS has to collect the fee/fine, or whatever the SCOTUS wants to call it.
It is also per person in the family, so mostly impacts middle income families with enough income that 1% times the number in the family is a big number. It will make living in high cost areas very difficult as health insurance is also higher in those areas so the choice is large fine or expensive health insurance.
But it gets worse. If someone has a policy at work their adult dependent children are eligible for, they are liable for the fine if they do not pay the hundreds of dollars per month it costs to add family coverage. So it is actually not a feature that you can keep your adult kids on the plan, it is a requirement. Unless you just cut them off, or I guess don’t claim them as a dependent, which will increase taxes anyway.
Hey Don, you say “Also, be careful with your tax withholding. Your tax refund is the only vehicle the IRS has to collect the fee/fine, or whatever the SCOTUS wants to call it.”
I hope you are right! I know that the common interpretation is that the IRS has no other recourse against those who do not pay the new tax, but I suspect things will turn out differently. Consider this. Suppose that you are calculated to pay $5,000 in income tax plus the 1% new Obamacare tax — say it is $500. So you pay the $5,000 but do not pay the $500. The IRS can’t do anything, right? The IRS might disagree. All they have to do is to tell you, “OK, you have a tax liability of $5,500 and we only received $5,000. We have decided that of that $5,000, $500 of it gets applied to your Obamacare tax and the other $4,500 gets applied to your income portion of the tax. You owe us $500, and that $500 is not Obamacare tax, it is regular income tax. Pay now or go to prison.”
Ethical? No, but when was the IRS ever ethical?
Health insurance or…
Paying premiums and taxes through your noses:
They are driving the economy into the ground, eradicating the Middle Class, shackling our citizens as they prepare for the biggest slaughter house in the history of our civilization.
Amen to this. Seriously, what is going through their brains with all these ridiculous laws and systems they’re putting into place?
Probably because their “tiny bit of disposable income” is getting tinier thanks to Obama policies.
I will just keep counselling mass civil disobedience, unless or until someone comes up with something better.