AC/DC On Climate

NOAA chief scientist was happy to go either way.

ScreenHunter_1087 Dec. 30 16.32


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to AC/DC On Climate

  1. omanuel says:


    Science is unfolding to reveal truth and welcome the New Year!

  2. The warmers are saying the sun is not responsible for climate change because it only varies .01% in either direction from max to min solar output. But what does that mean? The sun heats the earth by 300 degrees from absolute 0 to 300 Kelvin. But 0.01% of 300 is .3 and because it’s .3 degrees in either direction it’s .6 degrees of difference in centigrade or kelvin. So the solar output accounts for .6 degrees which is almost all of the global warming. But if you account for other variables, I would wager that solar output accounts for all climate change. All of it. Every–single–bit of it.

  3. slimething says:

    Excuse me for noticing, but we were told the greenhouse effect is greatest at the equator in the upper atmosphere (troposphere). Arctic warming is just an aftereffect. Since the ubiquitous “hot spot” is missing at the equator, evidence for the “enhanced” greenhouse effect at the Arctic is bullshit.

  4. geran says:

    Morgan Wright says:
    December 31, 2013 at 12:17 am
    “The warmers are saying the sun is not responsible for climate change because it only varies .01% in either direction from max to min solar output. But what does that mean?…”
    The Sun’s output (% change) does not relate directly to temps (% change), but you are on the right track in your thinking.

  5. Yes it does because temperature is linear. You double the heat you double the temperature. Yes, dude, believe me. It’s not logarithmic, it’s not exponential, it’s not parabolic or hyperbolic or a conic section or differential or any of those weird things. It’s linear. This is something unexpected but to prove it to yourself, do the following experiment:

    Take a gallon of water of 40 degrees. Take a gallon of water at 180 degrees. Mix them together. You get 2 gallons of water at 110 degrees.


    tick tick tick


    Because…big surprise…it’s linear. OK?

  6. Andy Oz says:

    Maurice Newman is definitely straight when it comes to the CAGW religion. This is why the Guardian stunt team are in the Antarctic. The carbon tax will be repealed no matter what the evangelicals do. Even if they crucified Jim Hansen to make him the new messiah, the tax is dead.

  7. geran says:

    Morgan Wright says:
    December 31, 2013 at 1:14 am
    Yes it does because temperature is linear. You double the heat you double the temperature. Yes, dude, believe me. It’s not logarithmic, it’s not exponential
    Check out the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.

    • That’s nice. The stephan-boltzman law. That’s great. Since we are not talking about the temperature of the sun, and all other factors remain constant, and since the global warming fruitcakes gave us the number of 0.1% + or – from the sun, I’m going to run with earth receiving + or – 0.1% energy from the sun. That means the earth goes from an average of 300K to a variability of 299.7K to 300.3K. I’m going to run with that. The 0.6K is the gum in my mouth, teacher. Just try and tell me to spit it out.

  8. geologyjim says:

    If an infinite number of monkeys conduct an infinite number of global-climate-change model simulations, you can rest assured that the IPCC and the lap-dog press will be able to find a few that “show conclusively” that MAN IS AT FAULT FOR THE SIN OF USING ENERGY.

    That’s all there is to it.

    Now, neuter yourself and go sit in your cave

  9. Whatever the temperature has done most recently is what it will keep doing until we all die! Panic!

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