Blondes Have More Fun – During Funeral Ceremonies

ScreenHunter_05 Dec. 10 13.40

President Obama snaps a selfie at Mandela’s memorial service

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Blondes Have More Fun – During Funeral Ceremonies

  1. Mnj341 says:

    Nice to be good at what you do

    Sent from my iPad


  2. Adam Gallon says:

    By the look on his missus’s face, he’s sleeping on the settee tonight!

  3. David A says:

    What a shot she could be, if she could shoot at him with those eyes. No conceal going on there.

  4. omnologos says:

    Michelle for President!!

    • Laz M says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised to see her run in 2016. I have been, since 2008, saying “el no se va” … Spanish for “he is not leaving”

      Dictators seldom leave peacefully.

  5. John Urbanik says:

    And shortly after this picture is one where Michelle is sitting BETWEEN them. She decided to seperate the two of them. And the look on her face shows it all.

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