Bloomberg : CO2 To Produce Giant Scary Sea Monsters And Whirlpools And Ships Falling Off The Edge Of The Earth

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Record carbon emissions have lifted the Earth’s temperature about 0.8 degrees Celsius since the industrial revolution, and the planet is on a path to exceed the UN-endorsed maximum of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming by 2100. As a result, sea levels are rising, oceans are acidifying and glaciers and sea ice are melting. Scientists predict more freak weather, droughts and stronger storms.

Global Warming Fight Advances With First Steps on Treaty – Bloomberg

I predict more freak politicians, freak journalists, freak little tyrants and freak scientists – as their scam collapses.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Bloomberg : CO2 To Produce Giant Scary Sea Monsters And Whirlpools And Ships Falling Off The Edge Of The Earth

  1. Bob Greene says:

    It would be really scary to think we could get more of the politicos and cracked scientists

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Hansen announces Climate Change is dead. He attended it’s funeral. And why are these faux-environmentalists fixated with nuclear power when there is not enough uranium present in the earth’s crust to replace fossil fuels for more than 10 years? Shit. Even the USGS knows it’s not a viable option.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    A UN endorsement is the absolute gold standard… at least when it comes to call girls.

  4. Gamecock says:

    I’ll be 151 years old in 2100. I’m skeert.

    Threaten me with something in the next decade or two.

  5. Jeffk says:

    Why do rich people suddenly become “experts” in fields and causes they did NOT get rich in?? Why do we respect Bloomberg on guns and climate and social issues, when he doesn’t know anything more than Joe Sixpack does?
    All these non-profit foundations funded by meddling morons with more money than sense, staffed by myopic “experts” with degrees on their walls, cannot see the holistic big picture and cannot solve problems. They only make matters worse.

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