Boner Is Actually A Pussy

Boner is afraid that Obama might get angry at him again.

ScreenHunter_77 Dec. 12 18.14

Boehner boils over

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Boner Is Actually A Pussy

  1. I wish. I kinda have a soft spot in my heart of pussy.

    I wonder if ol’ Boner can touch his dick to his asshole, cos then we could tell him to go fuck himself.

  2. Mike D says:

    Give the guy some credit. 3 years ago he was crying at press conferences. Now he only gets defensive and petty.

  3. Gamecock says:

    Lorem ipsum.

  4. D. Self says:

    I can’t understand a damn word he speaks! Boner is actually Mr. Mumbles

  5. He thinks the system is still working and he is just doing his job in that system. He has no idea. I know it LOOKS like he’s a ….what you said (I am a gentleman of the old school, sirrah, nor do I like to judge precipitously)…but it always looks like that when someone is “just doing their job”, or “just following orders”. They all look like pussies to me …pardon my French, messieurs.

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