Boner Speaks About The Strange, Evil Power Of The Tea Party

House Speaker John Boehner went off on outside conservative groups Wednesday morning for pushing against the new budget deal.

“They’re using our members and they’re using the American people for their own goals,” he said. “This is ridiculous.”  Several key conservative groups are against the sequester relief within the new budget deal.

John Boehner: Conservative Groups’ Reaction to Budget Deal Is ‘Ridiculous’ –

Like the NRA, the Tea Party has a strange, magical hold over the voters who put Republicans in control of the House.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Boner Speaks About The Strange, Evil Power Of The Tea Party

  1. crosspatch says:

    In a strategic sense, I think this deal is actually pretty good. First, “the sequester” was meant to be punitive in order to coerce an agreement, it was not meant to be how we normally operate. As time went on, it took increasing hunks of cash out of the military’s hide while not addressing where the real spending was going.

    What this agreement does is takes off the sequester while actually taking money out of the entitlement side. For example, it forces from now on, all new federal employees to kick in more for their own pensions. So as federal employees turn over, the savings from this do grow over current budget policy. But there is a more important reason and it is political. This agreement gives the Democrats absolutely nothing to demonize the Republicans over while the Democrats are standing there with the rotting carcass of the Obamacare albatross around their necks. The Democrats wanted to replay the October scenario where the Republicans would shut the government down, the Democrats would demonize them in the press, and possibly maintain the Senate. What is really important for the US right now is that the Democrats not maintain the Senate in 2014. In fact, it is my opinion that the Democrats need to be purged all the way down to local dog catcher. Independents, libertarians, and Republicans need to come together in 11 months time and wipe the Democrats out of all levels of government; federal, state, and local.

    This is not a great agreement. Tactically it keeps things from getting any worse until the Democrats can be ejected from the Senate and some real progress can be made. Strategically, I think this agreement is the best that can be hoped for and sets the stage for ejecting the Dems from Congress.

    • Mike D says:

      While that may explain the deal, it does not excuse the way Boehner and McConnell have acted in the recent budget issues. Boehner could have made some statement about this being the best deal possible right now, step in the right direction, or something else. Yet he just slams others for not knowing what’s in the deal or having some selfish goals that they’re using the people for. Which is the liberal take on conservative groups.

      McConnell and McCain did the same in the defunding/shut down spats. They didn’t need to go on attack mode, but they fed the media narrative that the Republicans were being irresponsible or spiteful or whatever. They could instead have explained why they think Obamacare was bad, and that the effort to defund or delay was distracting since it wouldn’t be successful, or whatever politician speak they could come up with. But they chose to feed the media spin for their own political interests.

  2. Okie says:

    The Tea Party has caused a disturbance in the farce

  3. Mohatdebos says:

    The Tea Party cost the Republicans two Senate seats (Indiana and Missouri) in the last election. How many more will they cost in the next one? I am all for principle, but getting control of the Senate to prevent Obama from appointing more left wing judges is more important.

    • I am all for principle, but getting control of the Senate to prevent Obama from appointing more left wing judges is more important.

      I think a whole lot of us are fucking tired of this shit. Don’t try to shove a shit sandwich down our throats & tell us it’s more important to do some nebulous thing that never quite pans out.

      If you can’t be arsed to get behind candidate who aren’t lying assbags, then you deserve to have leftist judges fucking with you every day for the rest of your life.

    • What the bonehead establishment Republicans do best is cave to any demand from the Democrats. Especially when the Democrats start saying bad things about them. How about having the Republican Party to run candidates who have actual principles, hold to them, and inform us what they are? That way we can have a real choice and not the total scam politics has become.

      As it is, both sides of the isle lie to get elected. Then, when they are in office, they do the same old same old spend more, grow government, and pile on still more rules, regulations, and laws they don’t have to follow but We the People do. Vote the whole lineup out of office and replace them with ordinary people who just want to go home and live real lives. Then shrink the government by 80% so it will leave us alone.

      But no. Our politicians are determined to go down the same path that every other major civilization has trod on their way to oblivion. They pick the false over the truth, the wrong over the right, and failure over success EVERY TIME! It is so reliable it has to be done on purpose. They intend to destroy us but not on their watch. There is still too much wealth to be stolen.

      Scotty? Beam me up. There is no intelligent life on this planet. At least not enough that it matters.

    • Bob Greene says:

      The Tea Pary cost two seats? The mainstream republican candidates didn’t do as well convincing primary voters that they would be better representatives and that’s the Tea Party’s fault? Lugar, if I recall correctly, actively sought to undermine the Republican Candidate’s position. Had he been the candidate he would have demanded that he get full support that he was not willing to give as a loser. A very similar thing went on this year in Virginia where the losing candidate for the Repub nomination had his buddies advertising in support of the Democrat.
      If it weren’t for the infamous Tea Party, Pelosi would still be Speaker and the Republicans hate the Tea Party and conservatives? Keep it up and they could well be back where the leadership wants, minority party.

  4. Pathway says:

    Check my math, but I think the savings will be .01% per year. Yipee ki a.

  5. @njsnowfan says:

    OT tip, NOAA and their misleading tweet headline.

    The did two tweets on Nov data but the one with the lie in the headline got the most retweets.

    First Tweet on November Data
    JUST IN: Contig USA had wetter & warmer than avg #autumn, per .@NOAANCDC #StateOfClimate #noaaclimate

    Second Tweet with same page attached on Nov Data

    U.S. #November 2013 was drier & cooler than avg, per @NOAANCDC #StateOfClimate #noaaclimate

  6. Billyjack says:

    we are forever doomed to a two party system- First is the Demopubs & Republicrats and the second Party is now the Tea a result we the people get as good of government as we deserve.

  7. squid2112 says:

    Steve, if you haven’t seen this, I think you might appreciate it… goes along with all of your other Obama born in Kenya posts … ROFLMAO…

    Reblogged from Suyts Space:

  8. NikFromNYC says:

    Krauthammer: “Steve Goddard is a ‘genius,’ ‘greatest headline writer in the history of mankind.’

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Nik, I saw your wuwt comment earlier today about the warmist claim of the missing heat hiding in the ocean being inconsistent with the fact that would have caused a discernible rise in tide-gauged sea level, which hasn’t shown up. Good comment, and a marked contrast from your “word salad” comment last night that I actually kind of liked, sort of a poem in paragraph form with all the imperfectness that reflects the point that man is not infallible. As far as this comment regarding Krauthammer, I assume this is a joke (a bad joke?). Ok, maybe it could be considered funny in a way, your joke, and I think I get what you are trying to achieve, but we should go easy on the boss, he’s doing a lot of good yeoman work. Remember, it’s a free country, and people are going to do what they are going to do. For the most part we just have to go with the flow. Further, truth is Steven does outstanding concise headlines! A talent, probably better than Drudge!

  9. slimething says:

    We were told by the Republican elitists that Ted Cruz was going to hurt his Party and help Democrats by filibustering and focusing on Obamacare.


  10. David says:

    Only government can call spending more a cut. Sorry but screw the Afgans past time to come home. We could cut 200 billion from defense and call it a good start. They waste that much every year. Next take away the ability of hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to essentially racketeer and price fix. Healthcare prices would fall through the floor if you could shop around for non emergent conditions.
    We are broke from policing the world time to take care of business here. As someone from Detroit said I wish the army would invade here and build us some new roads, schools, and hospitals.

  11. watcher says:

    In Daytona and Volusia Cty. Fl. the Reps took over the tea party and watered it down with typical rep. NO balls positions. They worry more about Dems. In your face views than on the Message.
    We won in 2010 not the Gutless Reps. Then they try and destroy us to what end. Failure one more time on election day.. Do they ever tire of Loosing. People love a fighter. Dislike wimps Get the message. .

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