“Candy, Get The Transcript”

ScreenHunter_448 Dec. 08 11.50

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to “Candy, Get The Transcript”

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Accidentally clicked on that picture and it enlarged to a full screen. Just about had heart attack.

  2. EW3 says:

    There goes my appetite for lunch!

  3. geologyjim says:

    Crowley – a wholly owned subsidiary of BHO, Inc

    mmmm – mmmmmm- – mmmmmmm!

  4. isbobc says:

    Just for us furners, what’s this about?

    • Gamecock says:

      In a presidential debate, 2012, the claim was that Obama refused to admit that the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was a terrorist act.

      “Candy, Get The Transcript” caused Candy to bring forth a document in which Obama said the word “terror,” though it was at best tangential to the Benghazi attack.

      “Candy, Get The Transcript” shows both familiarity between the President and the moderator, and it shows mutual preparation. A presidential debate in which the moderator has prepared the president. Despicable. The legacy press, sacred protector of liberty, didn’t make a peep.

    • Gamecock says:

      A couple more perspectives, isbobc.

      Obama’s handlers probably had the shock of their life, that Obama had revealed the fix was in. They probably figured that Obama had just thrown the election.

      It revealed how intellectually vacant Obama is. To actually reveal the fix. A “57 states” moment. Obama’s handlers are always nervous when he goes off prompter. The only skill Obama has revealed in 10 years is his ability to read. ‘Cept of course, the word “corps.”


      Romney revealed what a slow ass he is. The election was his. All he had to do was announce with indignation that the fix was in, and walk off the stage. He just stood there and took it. Obama got away with it also because Romney did nothing.

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