Climate Change Blamed For Lack Of Severe Weather

ScreenHunter_418 Dec. 07 09.12

Call up your Senator, and demand a return of hurricanes and tornadoes!

ScreenHunter_419 Dec. 07 09.15

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Climate Change Blamed For Lack Of Severe Weather

  1. Andy DC says:

    Us deniers just won’t accept the fact that weather was always normal and perfect before man made fossil fuels affected the climate (sarc). Never too many or too few hurricanes, tornadoes or fires. Always friendly hurricanes, tornadoes and fires, in perfect harmony with nature. That is why a hurricane killed around 8,000 in Glaveston during 1900 and why a single Midwest tornado killed 700 during 1925. Also why a single fire in Wisconsin killed 2,000 during 1871. Perfect harmony between man and nature and a benign, predictable climate.

  2. gator69 says:

    Yes, but what causes climate change? That is the question.

    • BobW in NC says:

      Totally agree! I wish these “Climate Change” supporters (ugh!) would tell us the answer to that question—and—what exactly IS “Climate Change”??? What is its mechanism?

      [Dead silence from supporters…]

      I would be interested if any such supporter could tell me ONE instance of “Climate Change” which is NOT secondary to some putative effect of “Global Warming!” Which is now kaput!

      • rw says:

        There’s a simpler question (especially in view of this response): What weather pattern would you consider to be inconsistent with your position on climate change?

        (Hardly original, of course – vintage Karl Popper – but as compelling as ever.)

        • BobW in NC says:

          “What weather pattern would you consider to be inconsistent with your position on climate change?”

          Perfect and right on point!

    • Marian says:


      If we didn’t have some form of ‘Natural’ Climate Change.

      We’d be freezing our butts off, Still hunting Mammoth in a continuation of an Ice Age. I suppose that would be just fine. According to certain Warmist nutjobs.

  3. Wyguy says:

    Thank you Steven, with that photo I’ll now take a pass on lunch.

  4. Jason Calley says:

    Here is how CAGW enthusiasts know (positively KNOW) that sceptics are not honest.

    “Increasing weather disasters are proof of CAGW. Decreasing weather disasters are proof of CAGW. Change in weather disasters are proof of CAGW. CAGW causes all things, therefore sceptics who deny CAGW deny reality!”

    There, wasn’t that simple?

  5. tty says:

    CamRN has a point you know. Climate is always changing and weather patterns have always been irregular….

  6. Scott Scarborough says:

    That’s the type of change we can believe in!

  7. Phil Jones says:

    Across America we have a CHILL….. so how will Alarmists twist this one to fit CO2 induced Global Warming? NOAA and many others predicted all kinds of severe storms and Heat for 2013… Will ANYONE call them out on these failed predictions??

    Chill Index:

    So far this year the Media has promoted only Weather Stories which support Global Warming … Colorado Flooding, Wildfires, Non-existent drought, water pools at the Arctic, tornado’s and the big Typhoon which hit the Philippines.. Inciting FEAR despite the fact that Temps are down and overall storm activity was way, way below normal for 2013… Even with Record CO2 which they tell us for certain will warm the planet… CO2 drives hot temps and more storms..

    From kindergarten to High School to College… Teachers, professors, Scientists… The Media… Government… All controlled by folks who are Progressives, believe in Climate Change and hate The Market Economy + evil Corporations which they want to shut down or control… Few of any dare to question this Social/Tyrannical movement … Doesn’t matter what the data says..

    Fast forward to 2030 and they will STILL be sounding the Alarm… As they have done for decades already and Steven has graciously outlined that here week after week…

    We ARE doomed… But not due to Climate Change…

  8. gofer says:

    That has to be the dumbest statement one could come up with. Climate change means irregular weather and it’s always been around. What is good weather for some is “irregular” for others. It only depends where one lives.

  9. Colorado Wellington says:

    One suspects irregular patterns and painful symptoms lasting for weeks prior to the photo op.

  10. Marko says:

    Can I say now, that global warming causes lack of global warming?

  11. Olaf Koenders says:

    Obviously climate change causes severe stupidity..

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