Climate Experts Warn That Colorado Doesn’t Get Cold Enough To Kill Pine Beetles Anymore

ScreenHunter_337 Dec. 05 06.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Climate Experts Warn That Colorado Doesn’t Get Cold Enough To Kill Pine Beetles Anymore

  1. gator69 says:

    What do the beetle experts have to say?

    “Beetles produce an anti-freeze that helps them to survive the winter. Mountain pine beetle mortality requires temperatures of minus 40 for several days. However, an unexpected cold snap in October/November or in March/April may kill beetles even if temperatures are not as extreme. Unfortunately, provincial experts feel that the beetle population is now so high that we will continue to experience outbreak conditions, even if we do experience a significant cold snap (which is unlikely).”

    So yes, that 0.6 degrees of warming is devastating the pine forests.

  2. Okie says:

    And the pine beetles have probably adapted by wearing long underwear

  3. Pathway says:

    I’ve adapted by wearing long underwear. The overnight low here in the high desert crush previous low of 2 F. We were recording -6 F by 10:00 pm.

  4. nomoregore says:

    If Pine Beetles were so temperature sensitive, we’d see infestations at lower elevations and coastal ranges. Once again, warmists display their psychosis.

  5. Colorado Wellington says:

    The larvae have a weird feeling about the weather.

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