Climate Math : Sum Of Two Negative Numbers Is Positive

Genius climate researchers added together two data sets which both show cooling this century (HadCRUT and UAH) – and created warming.

ScreenHunter_270 Dec. 16 18.59

ScreenHunter_269 Dec. 16 18.58

The “pause” in global warming comes from bad data

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Climate Math : Sum Of Two Negative Numbers Is Positive

  1. Dave N says:

    Of course, the story falls completely flat because most skeptics don’t even use UK Met Office data.

  2. Lance says:

    with 30+ years of programming behind me…., its easy, you use the ABS function (absolute)…(or whatever language you may use)…..

  3. Llanero says:

    I thought that the “pause” was because the heat was hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Now they are saying that it is hiding in Africa? What’s next? That it is hiding in Kim Kardashian’s panty drawer?

  4. Traitor In Chief says:

    We’d better check Kim’s drawers just to be sure… 🙂

    and I thought Spencer said the satellites didn’t cover the arctic either….

  5. Fred Allen says:

    No data in the Arctic and parts of Africa? Didn’t stop Jimmy Hansen from inserting data of his own just a few years ago to broadcast that the Arctic was heating faster than everywhere else. When the sceptics pointed this out, they were poo-pooed. Goalposts get shifted yet again.

  6. gator69 says:

    They used satellite data, that the designers of the satellites said was unusable. Nice ‘trick’.

  7. AGW is due to bad data so why not the pause?

  8. crosspatch says:

    The bigger problem is that GISS uses a few stations with temperature recording devices downwind of large power plants or in the path of aircraft exhaust to represent thousands of square miles of arctic. This results in an artificial warming of this region in their database.

  9. The giveaway is when they throw in the word “denier” you know you’re reading ecological activist nonsense pretending to be scientific.

  10. cargosquid says:

    Funny…the Alarmists were perfectly willing to use Met data when it agreed with them……

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