Climate Skeptics Are Sub-Human

ScreenHunter_511 Dec. 10 03.33

12/9/2013 9:35 PM MST

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Climate Skeptics Are Sub-Human

  1. Liberals are so caring & tolerant of other opinions aren’t they? Glad they such open minds too. I bet every one of them would make a fine juror. No preconceived biases at all. Just open & welcome to the truth, whatever it may be…

  2. The problem of the untermensch. What’s really needed is a final solution.

  3. squid2112 says:

    What’s a “CWG” comment?

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Never engage in a debate with a religeous person about his religeon.

  5. Donna K. Becker says:

    An uber-liberal “friend” recently shared a Facebook post about the importance of protecting pets during cold spells. Semi-facetiously, I posted back, “Where’s the global warming?” Her reponse: “…please don’t tell me you’re a science denier!”

  6. Pathway says:

    The reason I am well armed is this kind of nazi mentality.

  7. Colorado Wellington says:

    This comment may have been blown out of proportion. What if cassander is just a proud alumnus of the University of East Anglia defending his alma mater against Steve’s attack?

    The students of Arthur Figgis are eager and energetic individuals with a dedication to community service:

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