The last foursome at the Greenland Country Club froze to death before the second hole. Play is suspended.
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No no no, they froze play because they could no longer see the balls- should have used glow in the dark ones.
As any married man can attest: you can’t play if the hole’s frozen shut.
Nonsense, it’s simply a matter of rubbing two sticks together. I can see you’re not a country boy–we know how to get ‘er done.
Having failed to melt the Arctic sea ice, Reggie turns his blowtorch on the Greenland Ice Sheet…..
Don’t worry you can find your ball in 3.5 months probably bye the water hole ;>)
Why suspended? Can’t we just hit over them?
Damn…and i was hoping for 1 more round…
I’ll bet their glacier is melting fast at -56C. Global Warming Golf: hit your ball into the “hole” in their arguments. Longest Golf game in history. The Global Warming course has 14,572 holes.