Course Closed

The last foursome at the Greenland Country Club froze to death before the second hole. Play is suspended.

ScreenHunter_265 Dec. 02 19.19


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Course Closed

  1. Anthony S says:

    No no no, they froze play because they could no longer see the balls- should have used glow in the dark ones.

  2. As any married man can attest: you can’t play if the hole’s frozen shut.

  3. margaret berger says:


  4. Anything is possible says:

    Having failed to melt the Arctic sea ice, Reggie turns his blowtorch on the Greenland Ice Sheet…..

  5. lorne50 says:

    Don’t worry you can find your ball in 3.5 months probably bye the water hole ;>)

  6. squid2112 says:

    Why suspended? Can’t we just hit over them?

  7. Bob Knows says:

    I’ll bet their glacier is melting fast at -56C. Global Warming Golf: hit your ball into the “hole” in their arguments. Longest Golf game in history. The Global Warming course has 14,572 holes.

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