Dana’s Dirty Little Secret

Dana works for an oil and gas company, and writes articles for The Guardian implicitly attacking coal.

ScreenHunter_253 Dec. 02 14.13

Dana Nuccitelli | LinkedIn

ScreenHunter_254 Dec. 02 14.13

Tetra Tech Expands Services to Shale Oil Market with Rooney Engineering Acquisition

Quite remarkable that he doesn’t disclose this information.

h/t to Jimbo

Disclosure : I have no ties to any energy industry, and receive no compensation of any kind for blogging.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Dana’s Dirty Little Secret

  1. philjourdan says:

    Yea, it came up on Judith Curry’s site about a year ago – he is in the pay of Big Oil.

  2. Louis Hooffstetter says:

    Would you want your company to be represented during an EPA investigation by an Environmental Consultant who is incapable of discerning or telling the truth? Nuticelli is a liability to Tetra Tech and his clients who should be dumped for the simple reason that he is a serial liar who is either incapable of, or unwilling to tell the truth.

  3. omnologos says:

    There you go http://www.tetratechconstruction.com/portfolio/

    Nuccitelli’s employer is big in the wind power industry.

    See also legalpronews.findlaw.com/article/e3db96ea1231e5e05d1f1f4cb4f8099b#.Up0SiGRdV7c where two days ago the wind power industry (Tt) was complaining about the possible disappearance of subsidies.

    “This lack of certainty over the wind credit creates a boom and bust cycle, which is really detrimental to wind project developers,” said Valerie Strauss, executive director of Alliance for Clean Energy New York, an Albany-based lobbying group for alternative energy companies.

    One such local business is Gloversville-based Tetra Tech Construction. Its website says it has built 21 wind projects in the U.S. It is currently involved in building the Orangeville wind farm outside of Buffalo, owned by Chicago-based Invenergy, and the only wind farm project under construction this year.

    A Tetra Tech official declined comment, referring questions to a corporate office; phone calls to that office were not returned.

  4. Sundance says:

    I pointed out Dana’s hypocrisy on the Dot Earth Blog and in various Telegraph comments and they got published. No such luck at the Graudian however as I’m flagged for comments and apparently on double secret probation. 🙂


  5. craigm350 says:

    Reblogged this on CraigM350 and commented:
    Warmist links to the dark side reminds me of John Major’s ‘back to basics’ campaign a few years back

  6. omnologos says:

    Shameless self promotion:


    In a nutshell, it ain’t just oil and gas. Nutticelli should be confined to write sports reports. Everything else, he is just supporting his day job.

  7. NikFromNYC says:

    Churning market chaos, and their financial diode, a profit ratchet, there being no new money in old oil.

  8. John B., M.D. says:

    Watts reported this a few months ago I think.
    If you like your 97%, you can keep your 97%.

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