DemoRepublicraps Agree To Scuttle The US

House and Senate negotiators were putting the finishing touches Sunday on what would be the first successful budget accord since 2011, when the battle over a soaring national debt first paralyzed Washington.

The deal expected to be sealed this week on Capitol Hill would not significantly reduce the debt, now $17.3 trillion and rising. It would not close corporate tax loopholes or reform expensive health and retirement programs. It would not even fully replace sharp spending cuts known as the sequester, the negotiators’ primary target.

Budget deal expected this week amounts to a cease-fire as sides move to avert a standoff – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to DemoRepublicraps Agree To Scuttle The US

  1. Andy DC says:

    With no filibuster, I guess no way Cruz and Company can scuttle the deal.

  2. NomoreGore says:

    meanwhile, in California….70% of Doctors expected to Opt out of Bungocare

  3. Pathway says:

    Once again the French Republicans capitulate.

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