Dems Pushing For A New Heavyweight Republican Candidate

ScreenHunter_83 Dec. 12 19.01

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Dems Pushing For A New Heavyweight Republican Candidate

  1. Smokey says:

    Isn’t that the truth?

    Dems selected Romney and McCain as the Republican nominees. It was far better in the old days, when there were smoke filled back rooms where the Party chiefs decided who was most likely to win an election, and made that person the candidate.

    Now, the Repubs have let the Dems pick their candidate, and wouldn’t you know it? That person is a loser from the get-go. Christie fits that slot perfectly. He is as winnable as John McCain, the über-RINO. How many public hugs can Christie give Obama and still get the nomination? Not too many, it seems.

    I still recall when Reagan took the microphone away from the stage-manager party hack with the comment, “I earned this microphone!”

    Poll after poll has shown that Americans self-identify as Conservatives, over those who self-identify as Liberals, by a 2 : 1 margin. A true conservative candidate could easily win the nomination and the next election.

    We need another Reagan.

  2. Kepler says:

    Any chance that this Rino is doing the exact opposite of Obama? He runs as everyman’s President and then once elected, when he has more flexibility, he turns into a full-fledged “R”.

  3. Olaf Koenders says:

    Guess who’s got a “chubbie” 😉

  4. Andy Oz says:

    He’ll have a tough act to follow.
    Obama has doubled the time US workers remain unemployed!!

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Don’t let the Dems do it this time. And I don’t care that the gwarming climate change / amnesty / gun control pusher is a big guy, but the wife does have some … mighty powerful … looking legs. Like, I’m thinking… no, I’m not going to go there.

  6. Okie says:

    Christie can dress as a sumo wrestler on the stump to capture the oriental vote

  7. Sundance says:

    Steve I’m sure you thought about it but it was very gracious of you not to photo shop a horn onto Christy’s face., although it would have been funnier than hell.

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