Dukakis To Win Election In A Landslide

ScreenHunter_08 Dec. 10 14.05

ScreenHunter_07 Dec. 10 14.02

The Deseret News – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Dukakis To Win Election In A Landslide

  1. gator69 says:

    At least when Dukakis was photographed in a tank, noone took him seriously.

  2. Mike D says:

    This is the problem. Polls are fleeting. Much of the electorate was gullible enough to double down so they’re just sunshine and rainbows away from going back. Expect the media to deliver sunshine and rainbows well before the November election and the 2016 election.

  3. dp says:

    After all these years he still looks like an idiot in that photo. Some things are timeless.

  4. Beale says:

    Of the major party candidates in all the presidential elections that I remember, Dukakis comes closest to being a blank in my memory. Even so, I think he could have been president if the Democrats had not made the fantastic mistake of trying to run against Ronald Reagan.

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