England Temperatures Dropping Like A Rock

Over the past decade, temperatures in England have been dropping at a rate of 11ºC per century.
ScreenHunter_553 Dec. 22 06.52

http://hadobs.metoffice.com/hadcet/cetml1659on.dat …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to England Temperatures Dropping Like A Rock

  1. iurockhead says:

    All while the UK is shuttering coal and gas-fire electric generation, and planning the shift of electric power from industrial to residential use during shortages when the wind isn’t blowing. The tendency toward national/economic suicide is inexplicable.

  2. Russ Steele says:

    Reblogged this on The Next Grand Minimum and commented:
    Is this an indicator for the coming grand minimum ?

  3. Global warming is real. It’s 50 now and it was -7 last monday. At this rate the temperature is going up at 746,456 degrees per century

  4. Rosco says:

    It’s all down to the children who “just aren’t going to know what snow is anymore” sending all those letters to Santa who built a snowmaker to save his toy factory from all the melting.

    Well done – Crisis-what Crisis ?

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