From The Pre-Hansen Junk Science Era : 35th Anniversary Of A Correct Climate Forecast


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to From The Pre-Hansen Junk Science Era : 35th Anniversary Of A Correct Climate Forecast

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Nonsense of course, even predicting the outcome of the football match was a problem.

  2. Climatism says:

    The US Navy enters the junk science arena (via The Guardian)

    “US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016”

    Navy suffering from acute amnesia ~ USS.Skate surfaced at the Nth Pole in March 1959

  3. Mike Mangan says:

    Check out the historic Christmas cold front on the way…

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Libby was a very interesting scientist. Manhattan project, student of Enrico Fermi, nuclear researcher and physicist. Obviously a very smart person. And then:

    ” In later life she became interested in ecological and environmental issues, and she devised a method of using the isotope ratios in tree rings to study climate change.”

    So how come she was so right and Mann et al was so wrong?

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