Gallup Poll Shows That 41% Of Americans Have Difficulty Thinking Clearly

ScreenHunter_502 Dec. 09 16.01

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Gallup Poll Shows That 41% Of Americans Have Difficulty Thinking Clearly

  1. reformedii says:

    Actually it was 51.1 % who are clueless!

    • However much you adore Obama, and think the sun shines out of his every orifice, and believe his every word and policy to be the epitome of enlightenment, you have to be a uniquely one-eyed bigot NOT to be dissatisfied with his actual performance, which is what this poll is about. His ineptitude, lameness and refusal to take any real responsibility is breathtakingly apparent. That -as Steve puts it more pungently – suggests a heavy weighting of low-information, low intelligence electorate. As a vapid Democrat, I am deeply dissatisfied with his performance, as opposed to his promise.

  2. I just spent a week-end in Maine & I swear, 80% of people are below average.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I don’t know the percentage but I know the impact they have is astronomical.

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