GISS Has Increased The 1880-1996 Southern Hemisphere Temperature Trend By 52% Since 1997

In 1997, GISS showed the 1880-1996 Southern Hemisphere land temperature trend at .43ºC/century. Now it is 0.65ºC/century. That is an increase of 52% in the same data set since 1997.


ScreenHunter_922 Dec. 27 06.01

Archived 1997 version :

2013 version :

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to GISS Has Increased The 1880-1996 Southern Hemisphere Temperature Trend By 52% Since 1997

  1. daveburton says:

    Not technically Mann-made global warming, since it was Mann’s friends, rather than Mann, himself who made it.. Mann’s mates-made global warming, I guess.

  2. Bill says:

    Odd that they always have to decrease the temperatures in the 1930’s more than other decades.

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