Global Sea Ice On Track To Set An All Time Record

Global sea ice area is tied for 4th highest on record for the date, declining very slowly, and could set an all-time record around mid-December.

ScreenHunter_291 Dec. 03 23.59

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Global Sea Ice On Track To Set An All Time Record

  1. X says:

    I’m impressed, it’s happening faster than I thought.

  2. gator69 says:

    Anyone heard from Julienne lately?

    • Billy Liar says:

      NSIDC are probably working on an algorithm change. Along the lines of ‘under-counting the area of the ice in the past and over-counting area now’. Works for temperature.

      • Jason Calley says:

        Sad but true. I predict that yes, if the ice threatens to set a new record they will change their methodology to lower the count. After all, this would not be the first time…

  3. darrylb says:

    Interesting look at things. I would not be surprised or too disappointed if the linear trend did not continue. But, it would be great if it did
    I am sure we can count on Steve for future updates if the trend continues.

    I would like to copy it and put it on a few prof’s doors.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    The key feature in Arctic ice extent at this time of year is Hudson Bay. In the last century it was usually iced over by the beginning of December. Since most of the Arctic basin is already iced over it is these peripheral areas that make the difference.

    • Psalmon says:

      Observing the current NSIDC Arctic map that shows the 30 year average line, Hudson Bay “should” only be half iced over at this point, but the current ice coverage is greater than normal. I agree it is all about the peripheries however. Everywhere it is normal except the Bearing Strait and Arctic Ocean east of Svalbard.

  5. grant holt says:

    ‘Steven’. What do you think is contributing the recent year-on-year increase in Antarctic sea ice, which is of course the largest contributor to this pattern which you highlight? Has the Antarctic region been cooling over this period, and by how much? If so, please post the data which show this. Thanks.

    • Scott says:

      Clearly it’s the albedo feedback. If it’s so important to the Arctic in August/September with little light there, then it must be godstomping important in the Antarctic near its summer solstice, particularly with the extra ice all being at lower (magnitude) latitudes. Natural variation pushed the ice levels to slightly over normal for a month or two and no the albedo feedback monster is an unstoppable monster! It will eventually consume us all.


  6. grant holt says:

    What’s your take on the South and North Polar temperature records, which indicate that the temperature in the Antarctic region is not decreasing – it is pretty stable, yet sea ice growth continues?
    Interesting, isn’t it? Antarctic MAAT

    The Arctic region is of course warming fairly rapidly.

    • gator69 says:

      Can I please have my 7 minutes back? Hand waving and speculation, they even admit that what we have seen is perfectly normal. One bit of speculation about Arctic ice loss, and then a whole lot of nuthin’.

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