How Does The US Regain Its Self-Respect?

I was at the gym a few nights ago watching Fox News trying to figure out how Obama can rehabilitate himself.

If the country had any self-respect left, Fox News would be focused on the fastest route to get Obama out of the White House and rehabilitate the country. Why does anyone care what happens to the fraudster in chief?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to How Does The US Regain Its Self-Respect?

  1. hazze says:

    Easy..just focus on that he is kenyan…then US rep is unharmed…but poor Kenya 🙂

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    My understanding is that the investigation by Sherriff Arpaio’s Posse is to culminate with a presentation before congress in March. Considering what the Posse claims to be able to show, I’m doubtful he will live that long.

    And since the Slimes won’t act lawfully and assist in removing him, I think the only thing the GOP could do is ask the military to remove him. Then try to restore order and pick up the pieces. The only problem with that plan is this:

  3. Raindog says:

    You make the mistake by thinking Fox news wants Obama out of office.

  4. Send all career Democrats and Republicans, in office, home without pay, perks, or pensions. Close down the government except for the judiciary, the police, and the military. Shut down the so called public service unions. Sell the so called federal property holdings to the highest bidder and use the proceeds to pay of the national debt. Abolish ALL laws and regulations NOT involved with protecting individuals from the initiation of force and fraud. Then we would have a free people able to work, create wealth, trade, and flourish without the burden of the dead and increasingly deadly weight of an oppressive and parasitical government.

    The only problem with the above solution is that it would work. That will be seen as its major defect and so will be rejected by the majority of the victims of our currently oppressive and parasitical government. It would be especially rejected by all those worthless busybodies who think all those people out there who are doing all those things without THEIR permission must be stopped.

  5. John B., M.D. says:

    Steve – You want Biden?

    • Biden, as the sitting president, would be the presumptive nominee in 2016, saving us from the prospect of a horrible GOP pick (Hucks, or a second look at McCain) losing to Hillary.

      On the other hand, no candidate, however good, is going to save us from the fact that the looter & moocher voting bloc is now too large to beat. Let it burn.

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