If You Like Your Ice Age, You Can Keep Your Ice Age

ScreenHunter_331 Dec. 04 20.48


10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to If You Like Your Ice Age, You Can Keep Your Ice Age

  1. X says:

    The only part of the world that is still not “cold enough” is the N. Atlantic, due to the positive AMO.
    It’s the only reason why the Arctic ice didn’t recover before 2013. The AMO gave clear signs of change this year, especially in the first trimester.
    I guess it’s fair to expect that in 2014 the beginning of the year will be cooler and possibly (hopefully) the AMO will start to go down more steadily.
    Then, all the recent record snowfalls and ice extents will start to translate also into lower average temperatures worldwide.
    If this happens in 2014, will coincide with the prediction of Abdussamatov based on his analysis of the TSI and the solar radius.
    It’s interesting to see how powerful these natural cycles are, we could be back to the temperature levels of the 1960’s 70’s in a couple of years, if the present trend persists.
    The trend is already downward, but a bit masked by the postive AMO.

  2. tom0mason says:

    If you liked your medieval warm period…
    …oh, no!

  3. R. de Haan says:

    3 x snowmageddon USA in December according to Piers Corbyn: http://www.weatheraction.com/displayarticle.asp?a=606&c=5

    Claims Little Ice Age weather now reality.

    • X says:

      … and the AMO is still positive.
      Now imagine when all oceans get negative anomalies, it could start in 2014.
      The PDO is already negative, the ENSO already has higher frequency of La Ninas than El Ninos, and the S. Hemisphere oceans in general show a steady trend to lower anomalies,
      The colder anomalies are moving to lower latitudes due to the increased ice extent of Antarctica and the Arctic ice is already at average levels at the maximum of the winter.
      Solar radiations are defining the new trend and the rate of change of the climate, but due to the warming of the XX century we need at least another decade, IMO, to reach LIA levels.

  4. Ivan says:

    Imagine what it’s going to be like when winter gets here.

  5. Baa Humbug says:

    Bright red on the chart is 20 Deg F? Maybe it should be Centigrade?

  6. lanceap says:

    Minus 30 at my house!!!

  7. Justa Joe says:

    It’s a good thing that we had that .61 degrees/decade warming since 1970. It’s making a world of difference./sarc

  8. Kriilin Namek says:

    This Christmas the GOOD boys and girls are getting coal in their stockings..

  9. Jimbo says:

    Where is Suzuki?

    “Canadians having a tough time with cold temps and blizzards..and winter is not even here,” says John.

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