If You Like Your Obamacare, You Can Keep Your Obamacare. Period.

ScreenHunter_504 Dec. 09 16.12

Members of Congress shocked to discover health care system sucks

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to If You Like Your Obamacare, You Can Keep Your Obamacare. Period.

  1. Ben says:

    If you like your all-time-record-cold temperature, you can keep it


  2. Larry Fields says:

    Yes, our present health care system sucks. But with all of the mandates and perverse incentives, Obamacare will suck even more.

    We should have waited until we really hit bottom. Then we should clone a successful program, like the one in Finland. According to one poll, more than 80% of Finnish citzens are satisfied with the hospital care part of the system. Although Finnish health care outcomes are in the average range by European standards, the cost is significantly less than the European average.

    Part of that lower cost is because physicians and nurses make less money. The Finns also have effective publc health education programs about nutrition and other things.

    On the other hand, Finland still has a huge problem with deaths from binge drinking. I don’t know if their ‘sin tax’ on grog is making much of a difference.

    • gator69 says:

      “Most Americans (82%) continue to rate the quality of the healthcare they receive as excellent or good. The 40% who rate their care as excellent ties for the highest since Gallup started asking the question annually in 2001.”


      • higley7 says:

        Allow competition across state lines and insurance will be cheap and lean.

        Enforce tort reform and get the lawyers of the gravy train of big, exorbitant award that serve to drive up malpractice insurance.

        Throw preexisting conditions into a pool just like we do bad drivers and have the insurance companies draw an equal number for each, thus spreading the burden.

        We are done, all fixed.

        • Gamecock says:

          Stop mandatory “free” health care. A hospital in my county gives away $30,000,000 a year in uncompensated services. It grosses up everyone else’s bill to cover it.

          Tort reform is as simple as banning punitive awards. Pay people for their losses, but nothing more.

          Aetna, as an example, made $1.66B on $36.6B revenue in 2012. A margin of 4.5%. There’s no blood in that turnip. The idea that dealing across state lines will make insurance will be “cheap and lean” is a dream. Additionally, state regulation of insurance is not something the STATES want to give up.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday yesterday that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor – IF you are willing to pay more to afford a plan that keeps your doctor. He is obnoxious as hell.

    • Mike D says:

      That guy is more than obnoxious. He’s got a sick mind. People had more choice and for less cost before Obamacare and he keeps talking about all the choices now. He also said something along the lines of “no one ever claimed your coverage would cost less” which everyone knows is a lie as that was said over and over again to sell the law, and is even said now by liars.

  4. Gamecock says:

    “Thanks to a bit of Republican legislative trolling that forced Members and their staffs onto the exchanges to make a political point”

    Making Congress follow their own damn laws is “trolling.” Time for the 28th Amendment.

  5. MikeTheDenier says:

    Wow. All the heat is racing to the bottom of the ocean.

    Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8


  6. Gamecock says:

    Megyn Kelly just announced that you may not be able to keep your meds with Obamacare.

    • Mike D says:

      Something just isn’t adding up. The coverage costs more, while the benefits have been reduced, to include the dropping of more expensive hospitals, doctors, and medicine.

      There has not been a huge wave of people signing up. Those few new people are not going to incur so much treatments that they skew the pool. Which would mean a big reduction in premiums the following year. As an example, while I now have maternity coverage for me, that was really a way of lowering the insurance cost for women. But the amount of women using the maternity benefits is not going to be a huge increase. So the 110% increase in my premiums applied to everyone else in the pool should more than cover the small amount of new people in the pool.

      That is particularly true if those new people are restricted in who they go to and what drugs they can receive, etc.

      What I wonder is if they were somehow forced to charge more this first year, basically doubling or tripling costs, and then will cut from there. Which will be perceived and sold as a reduction even if it costs more than it did originally. Doubling followed by a 1/4 reduction ends up with a 50% increase, and you never get back that 100% extra you paid that first year. But they will say it is working and people will go along.

  7. Colorado Wellington says:

    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” H. L. Mencken

  8. Stephen Richards says:

    Shouldn’t that be “if you don’t like your Oblarnycare you gotta keep it”.

  9. Stephen Richards says:

    Gamecock says:

    December 10, 2013 at 12:56 am

    Yeh you halfwit. and the democrats that passed a bill they didn’t read have excused all their staff. That’s trolling

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