In 1986, The World’s Greatest Climatologist Predicted Nine Degrees US Warming By The 2020’s

ScreenHunter_406 Dec. 07 05.21

The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to In 1986, The World’s Greatest Climatologist Predicted Nine Degrees US Warming By The 2020’s

  1. gator69 says:

    And according to the warmists, that is what made him great.

  2. Rosco says:

    To be fair though – how far is he really out ?

    Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and take his lower end predictions of 1 since ’58 and 2 to the 2010’s.

    That is 3 degrees F which is by my math about 5/3 Celsius – 1.67 C since ’58.

    Seems a bit extreme as it is much more than the total since the pre-industrial revolution figures – OMG he’s miles out.

    He still has a few years left to crank up the effect though – LOL.

  3. gofer says:

    Having a bunch of letters after your name doesn’t give you immunity from mental illness.

  4. Bill Lyons says:

    Mental illness – or mendacity – or just plain foolishness?

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