It Turns Out That Antarctic Sea Ice Is Not Frozen

ScreenHunter_942 Dec. 27 09.57

Chinese icebreaker stalled en route to stranded ship –

h/t Michael D Smith

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to It Turns Out That Antarctic Sea Ice Is Not Frozen

  1. @NJSnowFan says:

    Sea Ice is 3 to 4 m thick(according to what a researcher said on a satellite phone conservation live on TWC this morning) where the Government funded ice breaking tour boat is stuck.

  2. TomC says:

    If this had been icebergs trapping them they wouldn’t be stuck in the sea-ice; they’d be crushed and at the bottom of the Ross Sea.

  3. TomC says:

    What’s even more amazing is the thumb up:down; nine-to-one.

    • X says:

      Agrees with the 97% consensus! 😉
      They cannot distinguish their left hand from the right.
      Now, whether the ice is frozen or not they have absolutely no idea of what that means!!

  4. @NJSnowFan says:

    3/4 way through the cnn video you posted the scientists says they wanted to see large expanse of sea ice over the last 2 decades.
    Oops, he may get a red card for speaking the truth.

  5. Hugh K says:

    Guessing Eddie42 got tired of trying sign up on-line for Obamacare and ‘moved on’ to saving the planet.

  6. Okie says:

    It’s not ice, it is very thick water; another symptom of global warming.

  7. Sundance says:

    42 must denote his IQ. 🙂

  8. Stephen Richards says:

    Sundance says:

    December 27, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    You beat me to it although I think 42 is optimistic :)!!

  9. Bruce says:

    Having a boatload of warmies stuck in sea ice in the middle of summer is very funny.

    If you doubt my representation of the expeditioners, here’s who their leader is.

  10. B.C. says:

    I’m sure the trapped ice breaker captains, as well as the crab fishermen in Alaska, would like to have a few words with Lil’ Eddie42 as to whether sea ice is, indeed, frozen or not. 🙂

  11. Andy Oz says:

    The “scientists” on the trapped vessel have a website Spirit of Mawson. It appears to be similar to the rowboat boys. Proselytising CAGW and getting trapped by ice. Mawson’s Hut was accessible for the first time in a decade. Obviously it was accessible when Mawson was first there but that was pre CO2 so we can’t discuss that. Then the “scientists” get trapped. The irony is hilarious.

    “The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014 is therefore undertaking a programme of research across the region, building on the work 100 years ago, to try to better understand present and future change in Antarctica and Southern Ocean.”

    They were down there for a couple of weeks touring and getting dramatic photos.
    There is one guy who specialises in sea ice, and he will be getting up close and personal right about now. ROFL.

  12. Rosco says:

    Possibly the stupidest comment for 2013.

    Hurry – time is running out to beat it !

  13. Bob Koss says:

    That Chinese ice breaker can only make a speed of 1.5 knots in 1.1 meter of ice. If the thickness is 3-4 meters then it’s likely they are going to have to wait for the French ship.

  14. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    How much fossil fuel have they burnt to get to where they are? How much are they burning to keep war? How much will be burnt in securing their rescue? Hypocritical bastards.

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