Latest World Class Climate Science

Global warming confuses bats, makes fish stop screwing.

ScreenHunter_85 Dec. 12 19.18

global warming – Google Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Latest World Class Climate Science

  1. D. Self says:

    These poor academic types are trying to get on the gravy train. It is amazing the absolute BS these scum come up with.

  2. Olaf Koenders says:

    My flying saucer crashed in Area 51 a while back. How the hell do I get off this IMMENSELY STUPID planet?

  3. David says:

    Global warming is effecting bats indirectly. The are being killed by bird blenders.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Right. HUGE numbers of bats and birds are getting blenderized daily by the worthless super expensive wind monsters. There’s something fishy about garbage the batty chicken littles are spouting.

  4. higley7 says:

    How freakin’ delicate do they think these animals are? It’s insane. I they can handle the temperature range of the seasons, they can handle gentle changes in climate. It’s called adaptation.

    If this crap wa true, then these species have gone extinct about twenty times during the last 2 million years of glacial/interglacial fluctuations during the current 12 million year Ice Age.

    • X says:

      According to Mann, Hansen and the rest of the team there is no such thing as “climate fluctuations” and “periodicity”.
      It was cold in the past, it’s very hot now and it’ll be scorching hot in the future.
      It’s a straight line up, forever, as the stupidity of their analyses, predictions and, of course, repeated failures.
      I don’t think they can understand what the word “Nature” means.
      They have no clue.

    • I reacted to this similarly, but never mind the temperature range of the seasons, go no further than the temperature range of an evening. These people aren’t merely stupid, they are tall-tale spinners…absolute and blatant liars.

  5. Karl W. Braun says:

    If not done so already, these effects can be added to the Warmlist:

  6. Andy Oz says:

    What a spoiler for next years blockbuster movie from Marvel Comics!
    “Batman & Aquaman vs CAGW”. We know how it ends now.

  7. Dave N says:

    I think AGW causes ants to want to do ballet. Can I have my funding now?

  8. Pathway says:

    Adapt or Die.

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