Learning To Think Like A Progressive

ScreenHunter_176 Dec. 14 10.32


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Learning To Think Like A Progressive

  1. Kepler says:

    Everyone just needs to pull their kids out of the schools that are not protected. I’m sure the kids would support a national student strike to get the NRA solution into their school. I’m afraid that it’s going to take some drastic measure like that to effect change in this stupid country.

  2. Bloke down the pub says:

    If you start from the assumption that most of the teachers in the US vote Democrat, then you could make a logical argument that arming the teachers is more dangerous.

  3. Martin Hertzberg says:

    NRA – Conservative solution: give each kid in school a gun so that they can protect themselves as every American has the right to do

  4. bobmaginnis says:

    gator, authoritarians want to control the lives of others. They are usually Republicans. I want a $50/ton carbon tax to subsidize energy efficiency, that isn’t ‘controlling the lives of others.’ Is the military industrial complex, DHS, TSA, NSA snooping etc a progressive idea? No.

  5. Jason Calley says:

    “I want a $50/ton carbon tax to subsidize energy efficiency, that isn’t ‘controlling the lives of others.’ ”

    So if you had your carbon tax implemented and I refused to pay it, you would just use sweet persuasion to change my actions? Or would you use the coercive power of the state (up to kidnapping or shooting me)?

    By the way, I am VERY outspoken against the military industrial complex, DHS, TSA, and NSA. I notice that you did not mention the NDA which Obama signed giving himself the supposedly legal ability to arrest or kill without trial anyone (yes, even US citizens) whom he chooses.

  6. bobmaginnis says:

    Jason, a 2.5 cent/pound carbon tax would be like a sales tax, would add about $0.20 to a gallon of gasoline. Do you think that is like your “… (up to kidnapping or shooting me)?
    Gator, what prohibition? Progressives are far more in favor of ending cannabis prohibition than reactionary Republicans.

    • gator69 says:

      There is no reason for a carbon tax.”, except for control and more money for ‘programs’.

      Leftists never know their history. The Eighteenth Amendment was accomplished by Progressives, who infiltrated the schools, and waited generations to accomplish their agenda. Ring any bells? 😆

      Climate Change legislation is the most intrusive there is, with the possible exception of Obamacare. This is what Progressives bring.

      Leave me the F alone.

    • gator69 says:

      And why do you keep brining up Republicans, who are against Obamacare and Climate Change slavery? The two most controlling types of governance. Maybe you are as obtuse as you pretend.

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