Life In British Concentration Camps

Western governments now believe that they can kidnap, steal, violate and abuse anyone they feel like for any reason.

‘Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’

A mother was given a caesarean section while unconscious – then social services put her baby into care

Last summer a pregnant Italian mother flew to England for a two-week Ryanair training course at Stansted. Staying at an airport hotel, she had something of a panic attack when she couldn’t find the passports for her two daughters, who were with her mother back in Italy. She called the police, who arrived at her room when she was on the phone to her mother. The police asked to speak to the grandmother, who explained that her daughter was probably over-excited because she suffered from a “bipolar” condition and hadn’t been taking her medication to calm her down.

The police told the mother that they were taking her to hospital to “make sure that the baby was OK”. On arrival, she was startled to see that it was a psychiatric hospital, and said she wanted to go back to her hotel. She was restrained by orderlies, sectioned under the Mental Health Act and told that she must stay in the hospital.

By now Essex social services were involved, and five weeks later she was told she could not have breakfast that day. When no explanation was forthcoming, she volubly protested. She was strapped down and forcibly sedated, and when she woke up hours later, found she was in a different hospital and that her baby had been removed by caesarean section while she was unconscious and taken into care by social workers. She was not allowed to see her baby daughter, and later learnt that a High Court judge, Mr Justice Mostyn, had given the social workers permission to arrange for the child to be delivered. In October, at a hearing before another judge, she was represented by lawyers assigned to her by the local authority and told she would be escorted back to Italy without her baby.

‘Operate on this mother so that we can take her baby’ – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Life In British Concentration Camps

  1. Scarface says:

    The most green government showing their respect for human beings. Sickening. Manic behaviour or a (starting) psychosis could have been stopped by Haldol. She could have been home in a week.

    My heart goes out to the mother and the baby.

  2. Bea Ware says:

    NEVER call the police.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    That is seriously the most disgusting thing I have read in a long long time.
    I put it up there with nazi gas ovens. Evidence no one cares is shown by no one marching on Westminister and demanding jail for the social service workers, the doctors and the police involved in this despicable act, and the resignation of the judges and the politicians who passed that crap into law. If the state confiscated all THEIR children and sent them to people who don’t know them, I wonder how they’d feel.
    Unbelievable morons. Old Testament justice would allow her to slit the belly of all who did the same to her. Disgusting.

    • Old Testament, “eye for an eye” “justice” was overridden by Jesus over 2,000 years ago. You unwittingly put yourself in the same camp as Islamist terrorists by clinging to it, as they do (though obviously not to the same ridiculous extremes they do).

  4. mwhite says:

    These are the UKs family courts. You can be accused, charged, judged and punished without knowing anything about it.

  5. Ben Vorlich says:

    It’s all in the name of child safety and protection.

    Just google “baby p” to see how good their performance is, that should lead to lots of other instances of UK social services ignoring the difficult and concentrating on the vulnerable using secret courts. Justice seen to be done, you’re having a laugh.

  6. Robertv says:

    Melissa Harris-Perry: Your Children Are Not Yours

  7. gator69 says:

    If you like your baby, you can keep your baby.

  8. The Iconoclast says:

    England’s government is way more controlling and capricious than the United State’s. Possibly because people in the US still have the right to keep and bear arms. Unfortunately our government seems to be headed that way as rapidly as it can.

  9. weather says:

    Christopher Booker of the Telegraph campaigns about the scandel of the British Family court system regularly.. so there are many other posts like that one..

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