Mann-Made Climate Change In 1907

Shock news. UHI accounts for the entire hockey stick.

ScreenHunter_273 Dec. 16 22.13

Papers Past — Otago Witness — 9 January 1907 — MAN CHANGES CLIMATE.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Mann-Made Climate Change In 1907

  1. Dave N says:

    Meh.. Jefferson was claiming Mann-made change before that

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      Dave, I remember Jefferson in his writings note that the climate was warmer and the snows less than in the past but I do not recall Jefferson attributing the changes to human activity. -Paul

  2. Andy Oz says:

    The Western Australian Water Corporation has been running around with this chart for over 10 years saying that THIS is evidence that CAGW is drying up the world.
    Empirically it doesn’t match the Perth regional rainfall over the past 100 years which has been relatively constant since 1890. The pre-1981 data can only be output from a model, and whoever is calculating no doubt has an agenda.

    Has anyone seen streamflow v rain models before?

  3. Climatism says:

    Mann-Made climate science in 2013 :

    “Climate change is causing Earth’s poles to DRIFT, claim scientists”

  4. Jimbo says:

    Hey Steve, check out Whadhams. I can’t tract down the date but it was BEFORE 2013.

    WWF – Before 2013
    Catlin Arctic Survey – results
    [Professor Peter Wadhams – Cambridge University]
    …….“We’ve reached the point in global warming where the winter growth rate [of Arctic sea ice] has been reduced, the amount of multi-year ice has been reduced, and the first-year ice doesn’t reach a thickness that’s enough to withstand the summer melt….

    “It shows we’re getting a big contraction of the ice cover in summer now, which never used to happen. And once it starts happening, it’ll never stop.

    “The amount of open water generated is so great that it’s absorbing a lot of radiation in the summer, and it warms up by several degrees. It takes much longer to cool down in the autumn, so the next year’s cycle of ice growth is disrupted, and so it goes on……

    …“We’ll never go back now to the sort of summer ice conditions we used to have in the 1970s and 1980s – it’s going to stay at least as open as it is now, and most likely will go further into complete disappearance.”…..

    • Bob Greene says:

      Looks like it was done ~2010, they said 20 years (2030). I’m sure the good professor has updated his findings based on the last couple years of sea ice, or maybe he is stuck in the yachts that tried to navigate the ice-free northwest passage this year.

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