Mann-Made Global Warming Brings Heaviest Snow To Jerusalem In 60 Years

Snow began falling in Jerusalem Thursday morning in the heaviest December storm since 1953. The winter weather system intensified across the country since beginning Tuesday night.

A snowstorm hit Mount Hermon later on Thursday, after dozens of centimeters of snow have accumulated on the mount since Tuesday. Dozens of millimeters of rain have fallen in the Gush Dan (the Tel Aviv area), Sharon and Galilee regions since Wednesday night.

The wintery weather all over the country is expected to intensify throughout the day Thursday, and Jerusalem will likely take another coating of snow overnight.

Snow in Jerusalem as winter weather intensifies; school canceled – National Israel News | Haaretz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Mann-Made Global Warming Brings Heaviest Snow To Jerusalem In 60 Years

  1. gator69 says:


  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    This must be “fake” snow. It’s like the concerns about Benghazi and Obungocare. They don’t really exist. They (the inquiries) are just “terrorist” acts by the Tea Party. So this “fake” snow story was no doubt funded by the Koch brothers. It’s really billions of degrees in Israel right now.

  3. Kepler says:

    Snow in Cairo also, first in 100 years. Would an IPCC scientist please explain how this can happen (please don’t say ‘natural variability’).

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