Montana Obliterating Cold Records

After the eight warmest days of the month, this month in Montana is already the second coldest December on record – averaging -13.4ºC. The only year which was colder was 1983, when temperatures were depressed by the eruption of El Chichón. The warmest December in Montana was 1896, and December temperatures have been cooling since the start of records in 1895.

ScreenHunter_509 Dec. 09 20.56

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Montana Obliterating Cold Records

  1. Don says:

    Steve, this is America! We don’t do Celsius, we do Fahrenheit. LOL Otherwise, carry on as usual with your good work.

  2. Phil Jones says:

    Never see this graph at the Huff Po or the cocktail napkins over at the IPCC…

  3. Another Ian says:

    Steve, O/T but I think you’ll appreciate this

    Jim Clarke says:
    December 9, 2013 at 10:08 pm
    I think I will get a bumper sticker that says: “Hold your bladder…prevent sea level rise!” I imagine that holding your bladder has about as big an impact on sea level rise as riding your bike to work has on atmospheric temperatures.”

    From comments at

  4. rah says:

    But of course everyone knows that the Arctic is a place that is warming with little ice. A place where yachts are freely navigating the Northwest Passage as their crews go about in shorts with no shirts and deck shoes and the passengers sunbath in the ever warming Arctic climate as they watch starving polar bears drowning in the hour or two they get of daylight up that way now !

    And for those of you for which checkered pants, Afros, Woodstock, flower children, Kent State, down with the establishment, draft card and bra burning, and God forgive me…… Leisure suits, have no meaning or context because you weren’t around in the period from the mid 60s too early 70s.

    And those of you that were around then and actually wore a leisure suit with a big Afro to boot but your brain has repressed the memory because you were part of it and can’t admit it to yourself let alone anyone else.

    And for those of you that were well aware of all of that but were busy in SE Asia trying to win a war and stay alive doing it or just plain trying to survive it.

    And especially for those of you that lived in that time and reveled in it, avoided the draft and wish you could relive those times thus to this day refuse to bath regularly and now your best to look like a long haired disheveled academic, are between 55 and 67 years old and still smoke pot and thus are now climate scientists…………… Here is one of the funniest songs ever produced by one talented musician, composer, film maker and drug addict who went to an early grave from an over dose, Frank Zappa with the band, The Mothers of Invention.

  5. philjourdan says:

    Not after they “adjust” the temperatures. Then Montana will be seeing a heat wave.

  6. aeroguy48 says:

    As an oldster say 57, I still play, Holding the line, er I mean hide the decline.

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