Moonbat, The Global Warming Denier

ScreenHunter_600 Dec. 22 15.40

Twitter / ecofst: @JamesDelingpole @spectator …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Moonbat, The Global Warming Denier

  1. According to DEFRA (The UK Environment Dept)

    Potentially, there are health benefits as well as threats related to climate change, affecting the most vulnerable groups in our society. These are likely to place different burdens on National Health Service (NHS), public health and social care services. For example, premature deaths due to cold winters are projected to decrease significantly (e.g. by between 3900 and 24,000 by the 2050s) and premature deaths due to hotter summers are projected to increase (e.g. by between 580 and 5900 by the 2050s).

    Apparently this is a bad thing!

  2. omnologos says:

    is that the real Moonbat?

  3. Sundance says:

    The deaths were caused by expensive energy caused by bad policy that subsidized unreliable green energy and blocked natural gas exploration. Why is Moonbat blaming climate?

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Good to see moonbots and the British aristocrats embrace a classless society. As long as the “peasants” are not included.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    You’d think that Moonbat and the guardian were sponsored by the nuclear power industry in a propaganda war with the coal industry. Expensive hazardous energy versus cheap safe energy. Why do watermelon greens promote nuclear power?

    • Adam Gallon says:

      Because a few of them do have some common sense & realise that nuclear power is pretty safe, has killed fewer people than coal has (Probably fewer even including Hiroshima & Nagasaki, when you add in the effects of photochemical smog).

  6. Back in the cold 1960’s, excess winter deaths were 60,000 a year.

    In the last decade, the norm is around 30,000.

    But when did the Guardian, or Moonbat, worry about facts?

  7. R. de Haan says:

    I Monbiat….

    I Ceasar….

    What a dope.

  8. omnologos says:

    This is the real Monbiot.

    I recommend this post and the one at NALOPKT be dropped.

  9. Phil Jones says:

    Here’s an email I sent to Jeffrey Martin… quoted in this Huff Po article… think I’ll get a response??
    Mr Jeffries, I recently read an article in the Huff Po where you were quoted regarding Global Warming and a continued melting trend at the poles. I was wondering, given that Arctic Ice is back to 1972 levels … and Anctartic ice is at record levels… how can a continued trend be assumed??… In addition the IPCC admits a 17 year pause in this recent warming trend which is similar to the heat trend of the 30’s.. so how could an upward trend be considered a given? Since 1998 temperatures have shown a downward trend, as 2013 draws to a close this cold year will further point to a downward trend of 15 years… not an upward one. 5 year Ice at the Arctic will be way up again this year as well…

    I am very interested in Global Warming.. the science, the politics, and all the money involved in this movement. What I’ve learned seems to counter a lot of the hype out there put forth by Huff Po and other news sources. Just wondering your thoughts on this massive ice build up for 2013 and how a 17 year downward temp trend are indicators of “a blip”..


  10. Jimbo says:

    Is this a mock-up?

    Mocking Our Dreams – February 15, 2005
    Climate change exposes progress as a myth

    By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 14th February 2005

    It is now mid-February, and already I have sown eleven species of vegetable. I know, though the seed packets tell me otherwise, that they will flourish. Everything in this country – daffodils, primroses, almond trees, bumblebees, nesting birds – is a month ahead of schedule. And it feels wonderful. Winter is no longer the great grey longing of my childhood. The freezes this country suffered in 1982 and 1963 are – unless the Gulf Stream stops – unlikely to recur. Our summers will be long and warm. Across most of the upper northern hemisphere, climate change, so far, has been kind to us.

    And this is surely one of the reasons why we find it so hard to accept what the climatologists are now telling us.

    I would advise Monbiot to go seek help for his mental problems caused by winter SADness. Monbiot, go seek mental help. We are reaching out to you in your bi-polar disorder. 🙁

  11. Jusra Joe says:

    The deaths occurred from the convergence of bitter cold & eco-leftist induced energy poverty of the sort now championed domestically by BHO, and Moonbat has the nerve to try to blame global warming and/or capitalism?

    Will any warmist troll feel chagrined by this obvious display of naked left wing elitism ?

  12. Scarface says:

    LOL and his adress is @ecofst

    as in ecoFaScisT

    And pfff…… I Monbiot. Why not, We Monbiot?
    The man clearly is a delusional narcissist.

  13. Scarface says:

    Too bad they have deleted a debate between Dekingpole and Moonbat from youtube
    I remember Moonbat was looking very sad at the end of it.

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