More Shocking Imagery Of Israeli Gun Control

ScreenHunter_183 Dec. 14 14.14

ScreenHunter_184 Dec. 14 14.16

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to More Shocking Imagery Of Israeli Gun Control

  1. gator69 says:

    I’m envisioning a whole new website for you Steven. 😉

  2. geran says:

    These hotties have their own definition of barrel length and diameter….

  3. Eric Simpson says:


    Minor expected qualm from me on coverage today is that I went almost to page 3 of the posts and I got nothing on climate change, which is kind of why I and I surmise a lot of others come here.

    I’m getting enough politics at hotair, of course some politics is not a big deal and today there is a lot of stuff on the gun control front that perhaps needs emphasis, but in other cases if I’m not interested on that day in any of the politics I think I can scan through it pretty quickly to get to the nuggets on climate change, but that’s not so easy at the moment. There’s just so much already on politics and you are starting to gain momentum as being close to the # 1 voice on climate change (like at hotair more and more people are linking to here), so you can take that special skill and niche that you got and make it # 1. Remember, according to alexa, ~ over 50% of your visitors are from outside the US. But, having said that, great post on this. I’d go for more of the same! Got to love the popsicle girl!

  4. Mac744 says:

    I wonder if all the girls in Israel have tramp stamps?

  5. lorne50 says:

    Mac744 says:
    December 15, 2013 at 1:52 am

    I was just going to say that must be a world wide thing . ;>)

  6. Kepler says:

    I’m thinking that Steven is secretly working on an IDF Girl Calendar. After he sells a few million or so he will retire to…Israel!

  7. Baa Humbug says:

    Ten comments and not a single “is that a concealed gun or are you happy to see me” joke.
    Very disappointing.

  8. Almost any firearm makes a lady sexier, and I have lots of friends who own similar firearms, so don’t call me a racist, but the M-16/M-4 stuff just isn’t my cup of tea (so to speak).

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