Morning Aggie Joke

ScreenHunter_381 Dec. 06 08.04

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @AndrewDessler In 2011 you …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Morning Aggie Joke

  1. philjourdan says:

    Well, they have plenty of ice for their martinis.

  2. lanceap says:

    Ya but we ALL know it’s a warm rotten ice!! Person here on a course in NY is heading back to dallas… and he didn’t know if he would make it! ….minus 40 windchill at my house now….can I stay here in NY?

  3. Robert Austin says:

    They keep promising us warmth and then reneging on their promises. When I consider this winter so far, I fantasize delivering a swift kick to Dessler’s cojones. Two weeks ago we got a lake effect (Southern Ontario) dump overnight of 18″ of heavy snow. Last year on that same date I was still golfing. Temperatures have been running relentlessly well below normal. And they still expect us to believe.

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