Most Of The Greenland Ice Sheet Never Made It Above Freezing This Year

ScreenHunter_1062 Dec. 30 00.27



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Most Of The Greenland Ice Sheet Never Made It Above Freezing This Year

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    OT Steve
    Maybe you or someone else can help find out why DMI has stopped releasing critical Data to the public on Temperatures above 80 N for about the last 3 weeks. I have been asking many people and no one knows or gives a !#@$%.
    Could be the new Data Tampering way by not releasing data to the public???

    Chart has the correct date but Data on the chart has not updated since day 347 ish

    Here is the link.

    Anyone finds out any info you can tweet me on twitter at @njsnowfan Thanks Chris

    • David A says:

      Some of the major delays in the past have resulted in large adjustments, such as what happened with SL. (Climate Scientist have earned distrust)

    • Dmh says:

      I usually trust DMI, but as a government institution there is always the risk that they’ll fall on the same trap as NASA.

  2. Edward. says:

    Aw shucks, they, Al Gore, Mikey, the UN and all said it was melting man! I was planning buy up some land and start a vineyard.

    • GregO says:

      In all seriousness, before 2009 and Climategate, (and then even I figured out that Man-Made Global warming was just warmed over communisim) I was considering the fact that Greenland real estate as well as northern Canadian real estate would be a good medium to long-term investment since Man-Made CO2 had hardly a chance of ever being reduced considering the inevitable growth of China, India, and the rest of the third world. Not just farming, but mining, fracking, and general land development.

      Alas. Looks like the world is actually cooling off. Ref Mawson expedition.

  3. Rosco says:

    As usual the facts do not support the media story of CAGW.

    But why is the message about Greenland the only story ?

    Antarctica (14000000 km²) is 6.46 times as big as Greenland (2166086 km²) and I hear it’s a bit chilly there also.

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