New York Times : Obama Solves Health Care Costs

The New York Times published their usual fraudulent Obama puff piece claiming that Obamacare is beating cost expectations, but buried in the article is text explaining that it is actually the Obamadepression keeping costs down.

Economists broadly agree that the sluggish economy remains the main reason that health spending has grown so slowly for the last half-decade. From 2007 to 2010, per-capita health care spending rose just 1.8 percent annually. Since then, the annual increase has slowed even further, to 1.3 percent.

Cost of Health Care Law Is Seen as Decreasing –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to New York Times : Obama Solves Health Care Costs

  1. Huh, so the economy goes to shit, & people stop bying plastic boobs for their wives. Whoda thunk it!

  2. Pathway says:

    When people have no money to purchase health insurance it is easy to bend the cost curve.

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