No Correlation Between Changes In Atlantic City Sea Level And Changes In Global Temperature

Sea level at Atlantic City has been rising linearly since the start of records in 1912.

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According to NASA, global temperatures were flat for 35 years between 1940 and 1975, yet sea level continued to rise at the same linear rate during that time. This is a big red flag that sea level is not affected by global temperature.

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If sea level was affected by global temperature (i.e. glaciers melting) we should see a relationship between either sea level rise rates and global temperature, or sea level rise rates and change in global temperature. In fact, we see neither.

There is no correlation between change in sea level and change in global temperature.

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There is also very poor correlation between change in sea level, and the absolute temperature anomaly.

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The only correlation we see with Atlantic City sea level is vs. time. This hints strongly that apparent sea level on the East Coast is driven by subsidence, rather than “global warming.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to No Correlation Between Changes In Atlantic City Sea Level And Changes In Global Temperature

  1. 4 inches of hurricane sandy was caused by continental rebound. The other 17 feet 8 inches was caused by sea level climb due to Climbatology

  2. gator69 says:

    What change in global temperatures?

  3. PS says:

    Think of a glass. Put water in it. Make the level. Add more water. The water will evaporate over time. Add more.
    Now, add a stone or a bit of sand.
    While the level will vary with the water addition and subtraction, the level will steadily increase with the addition of sand.
    The Atlantic ridge and other Geological activities have changed the size of the container and as a result, the level of water has found a new level.
    How much of a change is the new Hawaiian Island Loihi bringing on it’s own?

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