NOAA And NPR Making Goebbels Proud

I just heard this on NPR

If you thought November was hot, you were right. NOAA says it was the hottest November ever.

It was actually the 96th warmest since 1895 in the US, with 70% of the country below normal temperature.

ScreenHunter_327 Dec. 17 18.37 ScreenHunter_328 Dec. 17 18.43

Last1mTDeptUS.png (688×531)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to NOAA And NPR Making Goebbels Proud

  1. Andy DC says:

    It is actually a bit frightening that the truth about something as simple as temperatures can be twisted way out of line to fit their sickening agenda!

  2. Justa Joe says:

    Is there someone that thought November felt hot besides maybe Bill KcKibben ?

  3. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    Commentaries like that also go on the television news casts of the Spanish channel Telemundo.

  4. Don says:

    These folks will never give up. Too much money, influence, and power is involved. Diabolical is the only proper word.

  5. Chewer says:

    We need to remember, lying pieces of shit have no conscience, morals, ethical foundation or integrity. They also have no problems with degrading themselves or others, mostly due to induced hate through group thought and progressive indoctrination routines…

  6. Steve Case says:

    I heard that on the news earlier today, and I thought,, “That can’t be right.”

  7. Mike says:

    Not sure that NPR meant just in the US. says global. Not that the radio version was clear about the distinction. But even if they meant global, that doesn’t jive with Roy Spencer’s numbers or RSS. What gives? This seems like an easy thing to check. Maybe, like Pravda, they just say what the government wants said.

  8. Karl W. Braun says:

    It seems that a lot of the NOAA’s November heat came from Russian temperature stations, some of which were reporting around 9°C above normal.

  9. Tony says:

    The more hot air they put out, the hotter the temperature gets

  10. Rosco says:

    The problem with US temperature records is you are still using Fahrenheit.

    Australia used to use that Fahrenheit thingie and the temperatures used to swing wildly all over the place.

    When we switched to Centigrade our climate mellowed and the wild temperature swings stopped immediately.

    Fahrenheit – that’s your problem right there !

  11. gator69 says:

    I was wondering who still listens to NPR.

  12. Steve says:

    NPR = National Propaganda Radio.

  13. Mike Clayton says:

    Please stop using single month local WEATHER average temperature reports to make statements about CLIMATE CHANGE which is a multi-year issue that is best studied in terms of increases or decrease in the variability (extremes) rather than the averages at some location on the planet. The picture you show of US variability (above average and below average regions of the country just for Nov 2013 is interesting, but NOT because the AVERAGE is high or low. All media, you guys included, never seem to get this point about the “Flaw of Averages” which is name of a good book, by the way.

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