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Surely they spilled the blue ink?
Freezing cold blue ink.
Looks like blue Kool-Aid to me.
35 states are under some sort of winter weather headline right now
Hard freeze warning: California, Arizona, Nevada.
Freeze warning: California, Arizona
Wind Chill Warning: Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska
Wind Chill Advisory: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin
Lake Effect Snow Warning: Michigan
Lake Effect Snow Advisory: Michigan
Winter Storm Watch: Alaska, California, Utah, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky
Freezing Rain Advisory: Maine, Arkansas, Alaska
Ice Storm Warning: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi Missouri, Tennessee
Winter Storm Warning: Alaska, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio
Winter Weather Advisory: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York
This is interesting: http://dailycaller.com/2013/12/05/report-scientists-predict-a-century-of-global-cooling/
The part that called my attention most was Lockwood’s analysis,
[Professor Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years … [and he] believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years
If the present solar grand minimum is a Maunder-type, I believe it’ll be impossible to avoid another Ice Age,
In my view all these uncertain predictions will be much more precise in about 5 years, when the full effect of solar cycle C24 will be clear.
Out star has become more twisted than the CAGW crowd’s minds.
The planetary depression that our star produces during solar max and periodically between cycles has been at an all time low and is comparable to extreme minimums seen in the past. Cycles are normal and somewhat predictable and the same goes for some neurotic humans (CAGW whack jobs & self-proclaimed Progressives!
oh yeah? Well, Santa is boiling! He’s melting, and he isn’t gonna take it any more… 🙂
oh, and uh, he has a British accent.
Someone please superimpose video of the current weather to this propaganda. Maybe Duluth, where there’s 2′ of snow. Or from any of the list of states reaching -20°F yesterday. Get a nice shot of one of those blinking temperature signs they have on banks. Show the one that blinks back and forth between -30°C and -22°F.
Someday last summer (whistles), new sooper dooper hot is now purple.
“The highest brown bar on that graph is 45 – 48C, and those hot spots are a thousand kilometers from the purple patch.”
These early chilled temperatures can’t have anything to do with the physical spheres above us and the contributions to planetary thermal conditions of those spheres by our star, now could it?
The 425 to 10 hPa level temperatures can’t be cooler than we’ve seen since 1973 because of our star’s influence, can they?
What is the opacity of all thermal influencing wavelengths these days? Are clouds providing a super-doper positive feedback??
Hmmm, it looks like the trapping of incoming VS holding in the outgoing thermal radiation is beating the living shit out of the psychotic and neurotic CAGW crowd!
Our Mesosphere is loading up with moisture (compared to past measurements), but no one is talking about it???
The stratosphere grew by 145′ (in depth) from November 2011 to October 2013, but no mention from the ass-wipes in chief???
The F1 and F2 layers have decreased in magnitude on average by 4.2 miles over the same period, but no mention from the lying scumbags.
The planetary total magnetic strength and orientation have changed more than in anyone on this website’s lifetime in six years, but no mention from the slime that publish shit beyond belief???
What gives?
Nature won’t stop the cycles because we’re not paying attention.
What we’re seeing now (I mean *we* the skeptical bloggers of the world) is just the repetition of the Maunder minimum (except for the very important component of the waning magnetic field Earth, which I believe is only *enhancing* the climate sensibility to the new conditions), but now we have more measurements showing how things happened back then.
The problem is, we’re blinded (*we* humanity) by our arrogance to think that we can just overlook such an important event, or, even worse, try to make it disappear by saying that it’s happening in the opposite way that the facts reveal.
It will take by surprise “97%” of humanity very soon, because the consequences are already astonishing those who care to at least try to uncover the truth behind all this mess of contradictory information.
I have the impression that the “process” (climate cooling connected with low solar radiations and waning Earth’s magnetic field) is accelerating because it builds upon its previous stages…