Nuttercelli : 37% Is The New 97%

Nuttercelli reviews a paper which reports 52% consensus, concludes that it equals 97%.

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ScreenHunter_241 Dec. 02 10.32

How do meteorologists fit into the 97% global warming consensus? | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment |

The paper he referred to reports 73% for climate scientists, 37% for the largest group (meteorologists) and 52% overall, so Dana reports that as 97%.

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Dana isn’t up to Enron standards, so he works for the Guardian.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Nuttercelli : 37% Is The New 97%

  1. Dingaling, he can’t add at all! 73% + 37% = 111%, of course!

  2. Sundance says:

    What Is Lex Luther doing next to Nuttercelli in the photo?

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    A literal blockhead!

  4. Sundance says:

    Is that Egghead from Batman next to the Nutter?

  5. It’s like a Monty Python sketch gone bad.

  6. Mike D says:

    What a liar. He includes “5 percent said the precise degree of human causation is unclear” in “agreed that humans have contributed significantly”.

  7. Jimbo says:

    Dana works for the oil services company called Tetra Tech. They purchased a subsidiary company last year which is heavily involved in fracking.

    Tetra Tech Expands Services to Shale Oil Market with Rooney Engineering Acquisition

    PASADENA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jun. 6, 2012– Tetra Tech, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTEK) announced today that it has acquired Rooney Engineering, Inc. (REI), an oil and gas pipeline planning and engineering firm based in Colorado.

    Dana Nuccitelli …..
    Environmental Scientist
    Tetra Tech
    Public Company; 10,001+ employees; TTEK; Renewables & Environment industry
    June 2006 – Present (7 years 7 months)

  8. daveburton says:

    They surveyed 232 Climatologists, and 1203 Meteorologists & Atmospheric Scientists, which sums to 1435, not 1821. So there were also apparently (1821 – (232+1203)) = 386 AMS Members who were in neither category. Perhaps they are non-scientist members of the Society.

    If all respondents are included, 52% think global warming is real and mostly caused by humans.

    Excluding those mysterious 386, we can calculate that, of the AMS experts in climate, meteorology & atmospheric sciences, the “consensus” of those who think global warming is real and mostly caused by humans is::
    (124×0.78 + 82×0.71 + 26×0.38 + 61×0.61 + 501×0.57 + 6410.35) / 1435 = 0.496 = 49.6%

    In the category “Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences” it is
    (61×0.61 + 501×0.57 + 641×0.35) / 1203 = 0.455 = 45.5%

    In other words, according to this survey, only about half of AMS Professional Member scientists in the areas of Climatology, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences think that global warming is happening and that it is mostly caused by humans.

    Some consensus!

    What’s more, they didn’t even ask whether those scientists think global warming is dangerous. Many “lukewarmer” scientists accept that global warming is real, and at least partially man-made, but also think it is modest and non-threatening. (I’m one of them.)

    The question they did not ask AMS members, but should have, is whether they agree with President Obama’s succinct summary of the alarmist claim, that “climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.”

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